Christmas! New Year! WOW has had an eventful year. And if you have read the post “World of Warcraft in the New Year” in the official forum, you must have learned that Blizzard is trying a new way to p ...
Here comes Nov. 13, 2014, a day which hundreds of thousands of people have been waiting for—the sixth expansion of World of Warcraft is released.It is undoubtedly the greatest game ever since. It does ...
If you have ever quit WOW, then it’s time you come back to it with Warlords of Draenor, releasing on November 13. This is gonna be the best World of Warcraft expansion yet. Why? You are able to b ...
In about two days’ time will Warlords of Draenor finally meet us. Players have great hopes that legendary items may function differently, but it seems they will be disappointed.At BlizzCon last weeken ...
As we are wondering how many players still insist on WildStar, Carbine Studios, on the other hand, keeps bring its fans new content. Now it is ready to reveal new information about the forthcoming Mys ...
The “Conquest for Auroria” is beginning today with a hefty patch filled with goodies. Have a look at what you can get: Guilds will be able to compete over zones via epic castle battles; the winne ...
Two days ago, Trion released an announcement that they are cleaning up those gold bought or gifted by hackers, gold farming bots, mules, and storage accounts, which surges huge waves on every ArcheAge ...
Carbine Studios has just recently announced that all their existing servers for Wildstar will be merged together for an upcoming Megaserver update. It’s been 6 weeks since their staff first released t ...
No doubt ArcheAge has been a focus of gamers in the past month and it will be. Still remember on launch day and the following days people queuing to log on and one step late the good lands having ...
There are a lot of crafting skills for you in ArcheAge, including cultivation, planting, fishing and so on. Here we will share something of the three crafting skills so that you can make everything mu ...