The WoW team has released the schedule for the various opening dates for the next raid, Tomb of Sargeras. Tuesday, Jun. 20 – Normal and Heroic Difficulties OpenTuesday, Jun. 27 – Mythic difficult ...
Nighthold is to be open tomorrow. Maybe you have noticed from Blizzard blue post that since patch 7.1.5, questions about legendary items upgrade have been raised frequently. You may also wonder how yo ...
Nighthold opens next week. Since the release of Patch 7.1.5, a number of questions relating to the Nighthold Legendary item upgrades and how that process will work are sent to Blizzard, and clari ...
A brief notice has been posted on the World of Warcraft forums to let players know that the Nighthold raid will be released for Normal and Heroic play on January 17, 2017 for North America and on ...
At Gamescom on August 6, Blizzard Entertainment unveiled the latest World of Warcraft expansion. New zones, a new class, new dungeons and raids will be updated. Here let’s take a quick look at th ...
After Highmaul Raid, we are going to have Blackrock Foundry—with a strong style of industrialization such as scenes of smelting orcs, Burning Blade and slag shaping. All bosses will be open on No ...
Hi, it’s the sse Mage here again. I’ve been waiting for group raids all these days, ‘cos it is still unavailable for the CN server. Since last week I hit Level 100, I have been busy with my garrison, ...